
Books For 2013

Last year I decided to keep track of all books I read. I have a few notes for each book in a notebook but this post is not about rating of them. I only read non-fiction. I get a lot of grief for that. I struggle to get into fiction but I am frequently told I should explore outside of my comfort zone in order to help me relax more. The problem I have is I do relax when reading this style of book.

Regarding the selection of books some read to learn about a topic, fill a curiosity void or just check out someones writing style.

Below is a list of books I finished for the year. The order is strictly the order that they were completed because many times I have two or three going at the same time. Without going into specifics the ones that are bold are the ones I enjoyed the most.

If you have read any of these I would love to know your thoughts. What was your favorite book of 2013?

Up next Reboot I am not a large proponent of New Years resolutions. Goals are good but I dont think they are mutually exclusive. During 2013 when writing for Proliferation of Copy Cats
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