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I.M. Pei, Acclaimed Architect, Dead at 102 - Cnn Style May 17, 2019 Design I have always loved I.M. Pei’s work. I always found his use of space and geometry fascinating. “Stylistic originality is not my purpose,” he said. Everyday Items Made Better Mar 25, 2014 Design So many things today we take for granted, as a result I don’t think we look at ways to make them better. Take the example below of the see through Font Men Mar 24, 2014 Design I saw this on Apartment Therapy last week and have been meaning to post it for others to see.. It is a brief 6 minute file about Hoefler & Mike Parker, Godfather of Helvetica, Dies Feb 27, 2014 Design Image from Helvetica documentary Mike Parker was a monster in typeface design creating more than 1,000 typefaces including one of my favorites Float Wall Desk — Shoebox Dwelling Feb 7, 2013 Design & Small Spaces I can not tell you why, but in addition to my small well designed space fondness I also love furniture that floats or is on wheels. Shoebox Dwelling Simple Elegance: Sliding Door Hardware From Krown Lab : Remodelista ⇢ Oct 18, 2012 Design Blending three of my favorite things - glass metal and wood to create some beautifully designed sliding door hardware. I have seen these a few How Will the iPhone5 Wear? Sep 24, 2012 Design This week there was a lot of news about the iPhone 5. It was probably one of the most anticipated new “gadgets”. This years version of it comes in The Bike Pump Keychain — Bicycles — Better Living Through Design Sep 24, 2012 Design Cool little idea for bicyclists. When I rode a lot this was always a problem Source: http://www.betterlivingthroughdesign.com/p… The Subtlty of Search Aug 2, 2012 Design If you are interested in little UI/UX details I recommend you head over to Little Big Details to check out some of their postings. One that I really Andrew Kim Rebrands Microsoft Jul 10, 2012 Design Matt Alexander at One37net points out this brilliant Microsoft rebranding idea from art student Andrew Kim. This article is a must read. There are Mac and iOS App Icons Compared Jul 3, 2012 Design Really great article from pxldot on Mac versus iOS app icons. The much more interesting icons are those that have focused their design on The Most Un-Apple Like Image Jun 12, 2012 Apple & Design Yesterday’s WWDC Keynote brought a lot of new exciting things. New hardware, iOS 6 preview and the more details about Mountain Lion. All great The Turd Is Dead Jun 6, 2012 Design Dave Caolo at 52Tiger linked to this piece form the NY Times today. A few things crossed my mind: What took so long? (6 years) Who is the Is More Always Better? Jun 1, 2012 Design Truer words were never spoken. Is more always better?: Sometimes, only better is better. (Via Seth’s Blog) The Making of the Leica M9-P Jun 1, 2012 Design This is a video Shawn Blanc posted last week that I have been meaning to link to. Personally I love videos that are created like this which show an What Do You Call Yourself? May 23, 2012 Design A week ago I was listening to the live version of “Lets Make Mistakes” podcast from Muleradio.net and a woman emailed in to say she needed some Dieter Rams on Good Design As an Advantage May 22, 2012 Design Fast Company’s CoDesign newsletter featured a piece on “Dieter Rams On Good Design As A Key Business Advantage”. If you are a fan of design and Even Steve Jobs’s Speech Notes Were Beautiful May 5, 2012 Design I always suspected this would be the case. I could not see Steve making beautiful things and not having all his stuff be anything less Even Steve Carabiner Key Apr 18, 2012 Design I love it when someone takes a common everyday item and makes it better. Looking forward to getting one of these. Carabiner Key: Leave it up to Why Do We Design? Apr 13, 2012 Design This is a question I seem to ask myself a lot. I am not a trained designer in any traditional sense of the word. I like to think up ideas and then Please Can I Have My Free Drink — Electronically Mar 23, 2012 Design If you have not seen the Starbucks iPhone app I am not sure what rock you have been living under. I have been using on my iPhone for probably a year Working With a Professional Mar 21, 2012 Design Learning your strength’s and weakness’s as early on in life as you can is a tremendous value. You can always improve on both, no matter what. Apple - the Mickey Mouse Watch on Apples’ iPod Nano Site… Oct 31, 2011 Design Little things make a difference. In this case the Mickey Mouse watch on the apple site shows the actual time on the web. Could they have just Designing for the Longterm Sep 12, 2011 Design Autodesk has produced a series of videos explaining Lifetime Design for those who may not fully grasp it. Its a great short video and its Evaluating the Needs of Your Primary Computer Jul 25, 2011 Design When selecting a new portable computer today I think now more than ever you have to consider how you use your computer, what external equipment you Minimal Mac Makes Me Spend More Money Jun 16, 2011 Design I love listening to the Minimal Mac podcasts with Patrick Rhone and Myke Hurley. I was listening to episode 36 of the Minimal Mac Podcast called Make Your Own Picks Jun 15, 2011 Design I have not played guitar out in public for a long time. When I did I always made sure I had 5-10 picks in my pocket. Where were these when I needed