
I am not a large proponent of New Years resolutions. Goals are good but I dont think they are mutually exclusive. During 2013 when writing for ThoughfulDesign I found myself boxed in by the blog title. I wanted to write about other topics, and not limit myself. Even though it was purely in my head it was a block for me. I used this as an excuse to not write.

I have been spending a lot of time trying to come up with a better site name. I settled on using my own to allow me to just explore new topics as I decide to. Some of the topics I plan to write about revolve around customer service, design and user expereience design, and the Apple community. But if I want to write a review about LED lightbulbs or bathroom fans, a la Marco Arment I will have that freedom.

I hope you will continue reading and share your thoughts with me.

Up next Impressive iPad Finger Painting | Swissmiss Three minutes so stop motion finger painting on an iPad mini that is stunning Books For 2013 Last year I decided to keep track of all books I read. I have a few notes for each book in a notebook but this post is not about rating of them. I
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