
Running on Air: Steve Kamb

Can you name a person whose hometown is Sandwich Massachusetts, runs a business from all around the world, and has recently given aTedX speech? If you guessed Steve Kamb you would be correct. I stubbled across his site when a friend of mine referred me toNerdFitness.com.

Steve talks about leveling up your life, and if you are not a gamer you may not be familiar with the term. That’s ok because Steve recently gave a speech at TedX Emory that explains it all. I highly recommend you check it out here.

1. Who are you? What type of business are you in?

Nerd Fitness LogoNerd Fitness Logo

My name is Steve Kamb, and I run NerdFitness.com. Nerd Fitness is a community of thousands of nerds, desk jockeys, and average joes all over the globe who are helping each other level up in the game of life. I sell information products, online courses, and fitness plans for people looking for specific direction on getting healthy in a fun, nerdy way. There aren’t many places online you can learn about getting healthy with references from Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and Transformers!

2. Which model MacBook Air are you using?

I’m currently using a 2011 13” MacBook Air, purchased in late July 2011: 4GB of RAM, 256GB hard drive, and the 1.8 GHz Intel Core i7 processor.

Steve on the moveSteve on the move

Steve on the move

3. Why did you choose the MacBook Air over other Mac models?

I spend a LOT of time traveling. In fact, I’ve technically been homeless” since January of 2011; since then, I’ve visited 15 countries across six continents, living out of a backpack and running my business from my laptop. Because I travel so frequently, I knew I needed a laptop that had incredible portability without sacrificing power and performance. After using an old MacBook pro (2007 model) for the first half of 2011 (bouncing around Australia, New Zealand, and southeast Asia), I knew that picking up a MacBook air would make my travel easier and my business run more efficiently! Since then, I’ve traveled to 15 states in the United States, Ireland, Spain, France, South Africa, Ecuador, and I’m currently planning a trip to Brazil.

Even though it’s incredibly portable, I’ve had no issues using the Air as my primary computer. In fact, I’ve stored, edited, and published all of my videos from traveling with my Air, including my Exercising Around the Globe video.

4. How are you using your MacBook Air to run your business ?

I use my MacBook Air for everything - I use iPhoto and iMovie to keep track and manage my photos and videos from travel, I use garage band to edit any audio content for my site, and I use the webcam to do live webinars and Q&A for my site. I’ve recently given presentations at Facebook, Google, Google Dublin, and TEDxEmory, using Keynote along with keynote remote on my iPhone to create those presentations. Recently I’ve put a huge focus on increased productivity, utilizing free apps like Think and Self-Control to help keep me focused on the road when I need to create content or get projects done in a timely manner.

5. Which has been the biggest advantage about using your air to run your business?

The portability and battery life. I’m actually typing this interview while on an airplane flying cross-country! I often have small pockets of time that I need to get a lot done, and having access to a laptop that’s incredibly portable and powerful makes that far easier than ever before. Thanks to the long battery life, working out of a coffee shop isn’t an issue as I can still get hours of work done even if I can’t find an outlet.

To say the MacBook Air has revolutionized how I’ve been able to run my business is an understatement!

To learn more about Steve you can find his website twitter and Facebook information below: Website: NerdFitness.com Twitter:@SteveKamb Facebook:Facebook.com/NerdFitness

Thank you Steve for inspiring so many !

If you know someone who is running a business or using an Air to do something cool please have them send me an email or contact me on twitter.

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