I am in Maine trying to relax and enjoy a change of scenery and have only checked in on a few emails. Today I took a look at my RSS reader and it was chock full of rumors about a new 7“ iPad. The rumors are all over the place. Some speculating that this is in result to the Google Nexus 7 or the impending update to the Kindle Fire I am not a huge fan of rumors. The media has all but placed orders for this new 7 inch device. Apple in classic fashion is being tight lipped. If Apple thinks there is a market and they make a product that fits the 7” form factor and they like it - then and only then will they release it. But if they do I am sure it is not a result of other companies.
If It happens I am not sure if I will be getting one1. Here are a few thoughts on the topic.
I think I will sit back and wait to see what happens and make a decision then. I think it would be nice for Apple if they had something at a lower price point for consumers but it needs to be the right product and have the correct story to tell to potential buyers.