
Drafts Updated to Version 1.01

Drafts by Agile Tortoise has only been out a few weeks and is already incredibly popular. It’s fast its clean its simple and supports Markdown. It is the perfect place to write a quick note or list. It’s so simple so easy it is amazing.

Tonight the developer released an update, to version 1.01, with a few great new features.

The first I am thrilled about is support to send a quick note into OmniFocus. Drafts is the perfect tool to add something to your inbox when you quickly think about it and now with OF integration it is even easier. Support for Things for Mac has also been added in this release.

Drafts actions to OmniFocus

The second thing was better support for Open with”. Now if you start a draft you can select which application you want to open it in to finish a longer piece.

Drafts ScreenshotDrafts Screenshot

Drafts Open With Function

The update is fantastic. I am not sure what is on the roadmap for Drafts but here are a few things I would love to see:

  1. The ability able to re-order actions in the send to list
  2. Even though I use Tweetbot I still have the Apple/Twitter integration turned on. I know I can deactivate those and just use Tweetbot but there has been a few times when I have used the native integration. It would be great if you could hide” an action you do not want to use.
  3. The same example would also hold true for the open with” action. I would love to be able to hide an app that I do not use frequent without having to delete it from the phone.

The full change log is below and listed on the site blog. Drafts, v1.01

[ADD] Open in…” action to export to other apps with support text files. [ADD] Omnifocus action. [ADD] Things action. [ADD] Echofon and Echofon Pro actions. [CHANGE] Reduced time before app assumes you want a new draft after it’s been in the background to 2 minutes. Still tweaking this number and am interested in your input. [CHANGE] Search keyboard can now be hidden with Done” key to browse results. [CHANGE] Improved display of draft text in lists, allows for longer preview now. [FIX] Better handling of incoming URL create method.

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