
Bartending: Memoirs of an Apple Genius

Bartender BookBartender Book

I had read Stephen’s announcement about his first book called Bartending: Memoirs of an Apple Genius’ and had made mental a note to myself to read this when it came out. To my knowledge there has not been another book from a retail employee let alone a genius. I was so looking forward to this book that I added a reminder for myself to get the book on the 10th when Stephen originally thought it would be available. I was pleasantly surprised when I opened up his site tonight and saw it was already available.

A quick download of the ePub file and I was reading it in iBooks. The book is a collection of customer interactions and Stephens personal thoughts and comments. The stories are short and well written. I imagine that it must have been difficult time narrowing it down to the few that we’re selected. The book is a quick read and gave me some insight to the amount of stress the geniuses go through day after day. If you are interested at all in a small piece of the inter working of the support staff and wha they have to go through I recommend you buy this book. I have never really had a bad experience at the Genius bar but the next time I am there asking for help I will be sure to thanks the men an women behind the counter even more.

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