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Disney Observations Mar 6, 2015 Travel This year Monica and I had the chance to take the kids to Disney World. It was a quick trip,three day taste of the sites and where we might want to SaaS Startup Diary Feb 18, 2015 About a year ago I was a guest on Tom’s Think Make Sell podcast. After doing the show we continued our correspondence and discovered we had a lot in Marking Time the Right Way Feb 9, 2015 Misc Many people use January 1st as the date to measure their success from the previous year and make plans for the future year. Resolutions and changes Searching for Portable Nirvana Jan 5, 2015 Apple I love traveling light. The less I bring the happier I am generally. Easier on planes, lighter to carry, less to fuss with. Packing the technology Books I Read in 2014 Jan 2, 2015 Books For the past few years.I have kept an active list of the books I read in the current year. I believe I got this idea from Patrick Rhone originally Next page